Contemporary Art Fair, MAG – Montreux Art Gallery – has gathered for 17 years, each november during five days, a selection of galleries and independent artists from Switzerland and around the world.
Presenting on 6500 sqm and over 2 floors, the several 120 exhibitors are divided in different areas: galleries, independent artists, thematic exhibitions, art and new technologies.
Our exclusive partnership allows us to gather a qualitative public who enjoys coming every year to discover our new selection.
Our media partners provide us with an interesting international media coverage of our event.
Moriarty automne 2017 : article
Rivierart MAG nov 2017 : article
24Heures – 10 nov 2017 : article
Journal du Pays d’Enhaut nov 2017 : article
PHART – article art visionnaire sept 2017 : article
24H 9 nov 16 p1 : article
24H 9 nov 16 : article
Rivierart_MAG : article
Dauphiné Libere janv 17 : article
L impartial – France 24 11 16 : article
Rivierart automne 2015 : edito
Rivierart automne 2015 : article
Art expo septembre 2015 : agenda
Biancoscuro oct 2015 : article
Expat Magasine 2014 : article
24 Heures nov 2014 : article
24 heures oct 2014 : article